
Caudalie is a French pharmacy product brand, providing paraben-free and natural cosmetic treatments and beauty products. Here you can find Caudalie skincare solutions for all skin types, including anti-wrinkles, lifting, brightening, hydrating and refreshing. Click and discover it!

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产品介绍: 此产品主要对抗抗皱和可以更好地对抗时间和生活方式对肌肤的严重影响。这款浓缩抗氧化多酚精华有助于抵抗日常侵害(污染,压力......),明显抚平皱纹,恢复肌肤新的自然光泽。 此礼盒包括: 欧缇丽3合1保湿护理 (40ml) 欧缇丽眼部护理液 (5ml) 欧缇丽抗皱精华(10ml)
Description Caudalie Beauty Elixir, containing effective plant extracts, helps to smooth away fine lines, diminish closed comedones, tighten pore and protect skin...
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Description Caudalie Vinexpert Dietary Supplements work from within for a youthful look. It helps to reduce wrinkles, improve firmness, moisturize and protect...
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Description Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum offers an anti-dark spot, an anti-freckle solution to the skin. It is a reader recommended product of...
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Description Caudalie Premier Cru The Cream is an ultimate anti-aging face cream that contains 3 patents: Resveratrol to lift and firm, Viniferine...
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Description Caudalie Instant Foaming Cleanser provides gentle cleansing to all kind of skin. The soap-free liquid formula turns into rich and airy...
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PREMIER CRU EYE CREAM THE ABSOLUTE ANTI-AGING FOR YOUR EYES The skin is smoothed and firmed Dark circles and pockets are dimmed The look...
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